Tuesday 17 August 2010

long way back

1st session in 6 months

After a brief 30 minute spell with Sean last week, I decided it was time to begin my comeback. Sean unfortunately cant make it tomorrow so I decided to make a start.

Snatch 40x3 45x3 50x3 52 55 57 60. My technique was very rusty with the body wondering what the hell I was doing. 60 felt like 80 but a decent start.
Power Cleans 40x3 50x3 60x3 65 67 70 72 75 77 80
Rack Jerk 40x3 50x3 60x3 65 70 75 80. Very tough. Strength very low and muscles finding lifting weights very alien but things will be ok after a few weeks

Compete in November at NI Open
Start a new programme after a few weeks when muscles become used to weightlifting again
See how close I can can get to last years competition bests and pb's
[comp 77+102 pb's 78+107.5]

Continue to build strength but also slim done a bit more. Maybe compete at 85 instead of 94.


  1. Hi Brendan, Thanks for the comment. Glad your lifting again with goals to work towards. We're training mainly at Golift but try to get to Cookstown once every couple of weeks. Will try to get a session together in the near future.

  2. that sounds great. wish me luck. muscles are aching badly!!!
