Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Wednesday 'B' session part.

Felt inspired today with Sean's lifting yesterday. It is great that we can feed each other at the moment. Long may it continue.

Rack Jerk 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 55x3; 60x3; 65x3; 70; 72; 77; 87* The 87 was an ugly press out. More about this later. Anyway,an ugly 87 at home is a good lift in competition. A 90 clean and jerk is a possibility in feb. Would be very pleased with that at this stage.

Back Squat 40x3; 47x3; 52x3; 57x3; 62x3; 67x3; 72x3; 77; 82
Press 45x3; 47x3; 52x3; 57x3; 62.

82 in the back squat gave me a slight twinge in the back. Definately backs up my plan to squat light for a few months. My squat clean is coping with the jerk anyway.


During dinner, I thought a bit about my rack jerk and how poor it feels so a thought came into head and I decided to try it out

Rack Jerk
40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 55x3; 60x3; 65; 70; 75; 80. The technique felt considerably better, film to follow.

Back Squat 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 55x3; 60x3; 65x3
Press 40x3; 45x10; 50x7; 55; 50x5; 50x5
Deadlift 92x3; 102x3; 112x3; 122x3.

All in all, a good session. Next up is Friday night snatch night.


  1. That is a good workout Brendan. I am too sore today, legs and shoulder joints and head! Next session will be tomorrow rack jerks to and a few presses maybe.

  2. good man Sean. You are now getting some momentum and are about to head into a golden period of weightlifting and competing. Alot to be excited about
