Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Captain Jerkoff

Midweek training part 2

Rack Jerk
This is an exercise that I either love or hate. I usually hate it and tonight this was the case. Feeling jaded, lethargic and weak the temptation was to take the night off but in the past this has led to quite a few nights off and then I doubt myself.
42.5x3; 52.5x3; 62.5x3; 72.5x3; 82.5x3; 92.5 [didn't even bother]Motiavtion low. Difficult to muster up any enthusiasm at all

Back Squat
40x3; 60x3; 80x3; 100x3; 90x3; 80x3. Couldn't be bothered with that either.
That was it. I am please to do even a tiny amount. What I do know is that the ratio between euphoric sessions and really tough session is heavily weighted towards the tough. I have had a good few weeks with some good pb's. I now need to knuckle down and grind it out. Looking forward to meeting up with Sean or Colin or both soon for a good session

1 comment:

  1. Tortoise and the Hare. You are being a Hare at the moment and trying to get short term increases in max while the Tortoise would fix technique knowing he would eventually kick the Hare's ass. Forget maxes for moment and work in 80% range on leg straightening/ass rising issue.

    After reading that I think I should get out more.......or at least stop reading childrens books.
