Sunday, 5 July 2009

A stuttering return - Sunday 5th

back after a good break but feeling unmotivated, tired and a little weak.
Power sn. 40x10; 45x10; 50x10; 55x3; 60x3; 62.5 x3. I found this difficult today.

C+j I tried this exercise today. Havn't really completed this exercise for nearly a month. Had to stop again because of wrist. I have just ordered new wrist straps.

Clean 40x3; 50x3; 60x3; 70x3; 75x3; 80x2. Very weak and sluggish. I feel about about 10-15kg down in power.
Press 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 55x3; 60x3; 55x3; 50x3. I will do squats and d/lifts tomorrow.

I am going to make out a 12 week Aussi programme and start from scratch again. I t could be months b4 I hit and pb's again


  1. Whats the ausii prog? from the qwa? Lifting good numbers. Robbie

  2. Im now on week 5 QWA program

  3. type in qwa into google [queensland weightlifting association] they have a number of good weightlifting programmes
