Saturday, 16 January 2010

Max day at Go-Lift

Great to get a chance to lift with these lads today. Top quality establishment, very good atmosphere.

Snatch 40x3; 50x3; 60; 60; 65 70x; 70; 72; 74; 76x; 76x; 77. Very pleased to get 77.
Clean and Jerk 40x3; 60x2; 70; 90; 100; 105x. Cleaned this but the power wasn't there for the jerk.
Clean 111x; 108
Front Squat 120

Neil 72+105. He has plenty more in the tank. 80+110, just around the corner.
Robbie 80+110 Very narrowly missed 85 3/4 times. He will hit 90 very soon.

I was reasonably happy with snatch technique today. Still a problem with the hips being high but I am pleased that I really commited to the lifts.
Clean and Jerk. These guys call 90kg a light warm-up. I had 100kg on the bar before I could blink!!! I thought today that 70+105 was possible Really surprised to get 77 but a bit disappointed not to get 105. I really wanted to have a go at 108 to at least give Pete a challenge.

Neil and Robbie have really strong legs, something I have got to work on.Compared to these guys I almost felt embarrassed with my poor technique especially in the jerk.

Neil could clean 115 now if he really goes for it and Robbie is just a complete 'powerhouse'.

Anyway. It is now Pete 2 Brendan 0. I a going to have to wor really hard to get a result against. By the time I lift 107 again, I can see him snatching 112


  1. Great 77 is equal your best well done I would love to meet up with the Gos the next chance I get, too busy with work at the minute to go anywhere, making a 5 week plan however for the Masters aiming for 70+90=160 up from 60+75=135, sounds like a lot but I need to aim high to make me train harder.

  2. Well done on the 77 Big Lad. 80 is just round the corner for thineself, saith Colinus.

  3. thanks guys. 1st time in yonks that I managed to snatch half decent. The 2 lads i lifted with could become elite lifters if they want to. Immense power and dedication. Still miss you kicking my ass in the snatch Colin

  4. the lads could do a lot better with some coaching, and you Brendan - and Colin has great technique (not to mention too much power) and could be a great coach- he has helped me identify my weightlifting faults more than any other lifter anyway..........
