Monday, 28 November 2011

Eureka eureka eureka

Worked today from 7.45am to 5.30 without a dinner break. A hell of a long day with 2 long meetings to finish the day. Came home and painted for 2 hours but still managed to squeeze in 35 minutes of lifting. This takes a bit of pressure off tomorrow when I will complete the session

Snatch. I started with 20x5; 30x3; 40x3; 45x3; 50x3 with the usual dreadful technique. I decided the sit down for 5 mins and think about pistol pete's advice, sean's massive improvement and strangely enough, I had a video image in my head of Jake's technique from go lift. I asked myself "am i so thick that I can't even get the fundamentals right" I had the image of my dreadful technique in my mind with the shallow back angle and the usual bent [which i am sure pete was sick telling me.}

I decided to lower my starting position and forced myself to try and focus my concentration on lifting with the legs. I found it impossible to rip the weight off the floor and just as difficult to use the arms.
For me, this felt like a massive break through. I still had the image of young jake snatching 75 and noticed how slow the bar initially comes off the floor. I feel my technique has risen from a 2/10 to maybe 5-7/10. I then lifted 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 52; 55. I need to do a hell of a lot of work but i feel that i have turned the corner. 46 years of age b4 i actually start to improve!!!!

Here are my findings [ i may be completely wrong but dont think so.

1] Use the legs to start the lifts
2] the back angle remains solid
3] arms less involved in the lift, more passive therefore little arm bend.
4] With improved technique, it seems natural for the bar to move much slower initially
5] Other things seem to happen naturally.

Because my legs are so weak, i have to be patient.

I feel quite excited now about the next snatch session

1 comment:

  1. Great. Remember the elbow rotation too. This seems to help not use the arms. The arms are levers. Their only use in the pull is to pull yourself under the bar after the completion of the shrug.
