Monday, 28 December 2009

QWA WK 2 DAY 1+2

Very pleased to find that my knee is fine today. It felt very strained yesterday doing power snatch. This makes me nervous and tentative.

Rack Jerk: I decided to complete this. The weights felt too heavy on Saturday. They were still heavy today but I managed to complete. Nowhere near my 110pb at the moment but hopefully I will reach my targets by May 31st

Squat cleans - no problem completing program lifts but failed 105??
Power cleans - got the max prog lifts but then had to stop when the knee hurt.

Clean pulls and back squat - these were ok but light weights used for squat.

Irish ranking
My recent lifting has given me a modest irish ranking of 28th with 200 points. Challenge for 2010 is to get inside top 25. I have the will power to do this but need some luck with injuries

1 comment:

  1. smart training and more technique work and squats and more squats
