Saturday, 12 December 2009

herc's open

What an enjoyable day at Herc's. I felt a bit more nervous today compared to the NI's. Probably bacause I was lifting very close to the referees. My snatch technique is crap even on a good day [if that's possible] so I didn't want to be the 1st lifter in Ireland to kill a referee. I bottled out and did power snatch instead.
Snatch 65; 70xx; 70
C+J 97; 100; 102
Total 172 [7kg improvement form the NI's]
After a recent layoff, I feel my strength gradually comin back. Hopefull I can start training legs now
Was glad to have a few guys to warm up with. Definately helps with the prep. Garrett, Liam and Cathal - gentlemen.
Several strong ladies were lifting and showing good form

Cathal Twaddle's lifting was especially impressive with 85+105 for a 190 total with plenty left in the tank. Sami's lifting was smooth as usual but the star today was Barry with 115+145 for an outstanding 260kg total. Inspirational lifting


  1. Well done Badass. Power to you. 7kg jump is very impresive. Well done.
