Monday, 28 December 2009

QWA WK 2 DAY 1+2

Very pleased to find that my knee is fine today. It felt very strained yesterday doing power snatch. This makes me nervous and tentative.

Rack Jerk: I decided to complete this. The weights felt too heavy on Saturday. They were still heavy today but I managed to complete. Nowhere near my 110pb at the moment but hopefully I will reach my targets by May 31st

Squat cleans - no problem completing program lifts but failed 105??
Power cleans - got the max prog lifts but then had to stop when the knee hurt.

Clean pulls and back squat - these were ok but light weights used for squat.

Irish ranking
My recent lifting has given me a modest irish ranking of 28th with 200 points. Challenge for 2010 is to get inside top 25. I have the will power to do this but need some luck with injuries

Saturday, 26 December 2009

in the neck of time


The sore neck didn't help but if anyone needed to make a documentary on how not to do weightlifting, they should have watched me lifting today.

Snatch completely horrendus
Power clean.ugly technique. Was doing sets with 85 which felt like 105

Rack jerk. 70kg felt like 100 so i gave up. I will try again tomorrow or monday

Front squats- these went ok
deadlifts. a few sets

overall 5/10. happy to get some training done considering that i am sore , full of turkey and not very motivated

More neck woes

Still struggling with neck pain. Very little relief from pain killers. Not sure yet if the guys are lifting in St Gab's on Monday. I need to give training a go today [sat] or else I will start losing recent momentum. I will put this on the blog later. I will have to see how the neck bears up

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

A pain in the neck

Woke up this morning with severe neck pain. I thought i might have been caused from doing 'good mornings' for the 1st time yesterday but now I think it was from the way I lay on the pillow???

Might have to skip thurs training a give it a few days rest and get back at it on Sunday

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


got a bit of light bodybuilding done

QWA Week 1 day 3
First time to complete 3 olympic sessions in one week. Hopefully I can train for a while now with no injury.

Just over 6 weeks to go to Munster open and 8 weeks to irish masters.

Have qualified for British masters in March. Might go if any other lifters are going

Sunday, 20 December 2009



Got through all training except squats. I did snatch balance and clean pulls-something I never do. I must say that pulls are a horrible exercise but probably very important if I want to improve.
No problem getting through the clean routine. I thought I might go for a big one but 97 was very hard so I decided to leave it
Power snatch was fine.I feel very fatigued at the momen. I might do the squats tonight or leave them until tomorrow. Munster open is 7 weeks away- long time to wait but regular tournaments after that.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

A new beginning [friday]

After last weeks competiton in Herc's, I have decided to try and start training properly.
Yesterday, I did the Aussi program WEEK 1; DAY 1. I did this b4 but omitted half of the exercises. I have never done any type of pulls, snatch balance and verty few squats. Injury permitting I intend to do everything this time. I realised that I rarely feel sore after training which shouldn't be the case.
Looking forward to the long journey to Limerick in feb.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

herc's open

What an enjoyable day at Herc's. I felt a bit more nervous today compared to the NI's. Probably bacause I was lifting very close to the referees. My snatch technique is crap even on a good day [if that's possible] so I didn't want to be the 1st lifter in Ireland to kill a referee. I bottled out and did power snatch instead.
Snatch 65; 70xx; 70
C+J 97; 100; 102
Total 172 [7kg improvement form the NI's]
After a recent layoff, I feel my strength gradually comin back. Hopefull I can start training legs now
Was glad to have a few guys to warm up with. Definately helps with the prep. Garrett, Liam and Cathal - gentlemen.
Several strong ladies were lifting and showing good form

Cathal Twaddle's lifting was especially impressive with 85+105 for a 190 total with plenty left in the tank. Sami's lifting was smooth as usual but the star today was Barry with 115+145 for an outstanding 260kg total. Inspirational lifting

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


No training today after all. I have 3 days rest now which I hopw wont do me any harm. Right eye swollen for some reason. Lifting on sat even with one eye.

Slight pain in right elbow so I need to be careful

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

pre competition

Got my final training b4 herc's. Only did power exercises so that I dont aggravate my knee

Simply hope to beat my total from the Ni's and then full steam ahead with training for UL and IRISH masters both in Feb