Thursday, 24 September 2009


Clean 40x3; 50x3; 60x3; 70x3; 80x3; 85x3; 90; 95; 100; 105xxx. Strength seems 10kg below pb in most lifts
Power sn. 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 55x3; 60; 62; 65; 60; 57x3; 55x3; 52x3; 50x2

Back Squat 50x3; 70x3; 903; 100x2; 105; 110; 115[22 below pb]; 60x3; 70x3; 80x3; 90x3; 102; 107

Some presses up tp 67 [10kg below pb.]

Aerobic exercise is definately having a bearing on my lifts and strength. Will stick it out until xmas and then gradully build up again. will be worth it in the long run. maybe a fitter weightlifter.

Weigh in next Thurs. [1st time in month] wiat measurement dow from 97 to 93.5cm] was 82.5 two years ago!!!


  1. When is Badass competing? Whn are we gonna see some new Irish Masters records smashed - OFFICIALLY?

  2. I need to put on more muscle possibly but I dont want to go too far down the road with bodybuilding exercises and compromise my olympic lifting. difficult balancing both
