Saturday, 5 September 2009


Headed to Sean;'s with suitcase incase we had a sudden dash to Wicklow. Decided on fri night to do a spot of lifting.
Rack Jerk 40x3; 50x3; 60x3; 70x3; 80x3; 90x1; 97x1; 102x1 [very tough???]
Front Squat up to 120kg
Military Press up to 65x2. Feel a bit flat tonight. Everylift seems to be 10kg below par.

No need to head south yet so headed home early in the morning to get a bit of work done and then rest.
Headed to local leisure centre later for some gym work and random level 12 x60 minutes.

Just Noticed 'Gs' 112.5 kg clean [go lift] I feel like Scott when he got to the south pole in 2nd place :-) With the size of his legs, it wont be long b4 he is cleaning 300lbs. [What does 'G' stand for????] I will have to have another go at 112.5 soon b4 he hits 115.I think my legs are strong enough but not sure about the pull.


  1. Your pull is fine Brendan. I wish i could clean pull like you.

  2. Yip, Brendan stop being a pussy and go for 112! Leg strength and pull strength are there. Try not sitting at bottom and drive out straight away will also help.

    I am going to start focusing on cleans in about 2 weeks time. Its that or change the name of my blog :)

  3. Oh no!!. you are starting cleans again. I might have to nail a 115 soon :-)
