Monday, 21 September 2009

qwa week 7 day 1

Very hard graft
Snatch up to 67, failed 70 twice which is incredible when my power snatch is 72.5. Have to continue to try and improve technique. Aerobic work seems to have weakened my legs but when waist line gets back to normal, I will build up again gradually. thought I would have increased pb from 77.5 to 82 by now??

Power clean - up to 95kg. reasonably happy. only 5 away fromcurrent pb
Rack jerk. Went ok -up to 100kg. didn't try any more. wrist hurting a bit
Front squat - up to 110. very hard. 22.5 below pb??


  1. very few back squats. it seems to give my knees bother. I really need to start squatting properly. I do very little

  2. do parallel b sqs- i think its the depth that causes problems
