Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Tue 'B' session day 1

I completed my snatches and snatch balance in 3 phases today. A 15 minute break between phase 1 and phase and then a 1 hour break before phase 3 with some power cleans thrown in. Total lifts are:

Snatch 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 40x3; 45x3; 50; 52; 55; 57; 60x; 50; 52; 55; 55x; 55; 57; 60; 62x; 40x3; 45x3; 50x3; 52x3; 55; 57.

Snatch Balance42x3; 47x3; 52; 40x5; 45x3; 40x3; 45. Not too many of these as it is a new exercise for me.

Power Clean 40x3; 50x3; 60x3; 62; 65; 67; 70; 72; 75; 62x3; 65x3; 67x3.

All in all, quite pleased with today's work. Tomorrow the session finishes with rack jerk, back squat and maybe some deadlift and press.

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