Monday, 13 September 2010

back in time

1st time in 9 days that I dont feel lower back pain. I will make a nervous start back this week hopefully. If I can get to the next competition without further injury, I would like to get a weekend trip to Bray for some coaching next year.

Look forward to lifting with Sean again soon


  1. give yourself a couple of extra no lifting days, do some stretching, then more, use a curtain rail, no weight, and when you do start, dont go too high, set a pre session aim and dont exceed it!

    I have not lifted either only once since our last session, it was last thrusday i recall and i could only press 55 squat 80!

    cant wait to get back either

  2. yes you are right but no curtain rail for me.

    want to start fresh this weekend maybe. if back goes again, then i will take a month off.

    I am actually more concerned about ur lifting because u r in gr8 form and i want to push to new records. without injury, i believe i can push you to 75+100 before the summer
